College Canteen
Canteen is one of the
essential facilities being offered by the college to its students, staff
members and visitors from outside. In our college, it is flanked between
Mursale Azam Block and Imam Raza Block and is hence situated in the middle of
the college. Besides, its closeness to the college playground makes it even
more useful for players and onlookers in times of sporting events. The purpose
of the Canteen is to provide healthy refreshments and prevent students from
going to restaurants outside where the quality of items being served is not
very good. Further, the availability of snacks on the campus saves precious
time for students which would have gone to waste in going to food outlets in
the vicinity of the college. The canteen is also a meeting point for students
from diverse disciplines and such interactions often lead to a very fruitful
exchange of ideas. For college alumni, the time spent in the canteen is a
source of pleasant memories that make them feel nostalgic about their alma
The Canteen is run by a contractor chosen by the management through a fair and transparent process of tenders. The contractor is accountable to the college management for the quality of his service and is subjected to inspection by the college authorities.